The Development of customer service department is not a priority for most companies. Widely considered to be a support function, they are mostly perceived as people who serve few but unhappy customers. Due to management’s general lax nature towards the department, they are often neglected and are the last to receive any technological upgrades. Modern Customer Service Technology with great personnel can has the potential to reap you with rewards in unexpected ways.,
A great customer will not only help you better retain and connect with your existing customers, if the employees are trained properly with proper technological backing, will boost your brand perception and your existing customers will not hesitate to promote your product.
If you are a growth-focused company, it might be much more tempting to put customer service improvement in the backburner for now, but great customer service has the potential to be the crowning jewel of your company and can be that growth driver that you are looking for.

Better Customer Service can benefit the whole organisation
Companies which has taken initiatives to improve their customer service experience have witnessed the following benefits over time:
- A decline in churn rate. This, in turn, has improved profitability as it is less expensive to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones.
- Happier Customers. Word spreads fast, and customers who are unhappy will not hesitate to share their negative experiences. This may, in turn, impact your existing customers as they may wonder if they will be met with the same treatment in case if they encounter similar problems.
- Improved spending on your products and services. Customers who are happy will not hesitate to spend more on your products as they have confidence in your brand and services. If you have different products or services to sell, cross-selling to your existing customers will be comparatively easier.
- Improved insight into changing consumer trends. Often underappreciated is the fact that customer service is at the perfect place to understand your customers and their changing needs. Your Customer service personnel are the first people your clients and customers go to when they see a new feature they see in the market and want that to be implemented in their product as well. If a proper collection of such requests are in place, you can very easily monitor changing market trend and ride the wave along with it.

Invest in a good Customer Service Technology
Even if your customer service is made up of A+ people who deeply care for your customers and brand, if you are not investing in a contact centre technology, they are not as effective as they can be. There are numerous reasons for the decline in effectiveness. We list out a list of issues that your customer service might be facing and how a good contact centre software can help you overcome the issues:
- Increase in the number of incoming calls: When there is a sudden increase in the number of incoming calls, it overwhelms your customer service personnel, leading to a lower quality of attention provided to each customer. This is a common problem in companies trying to scale. Contact Center Solution, such as Halooconnect, have an inbuilt solution such as high-density call queue management, which is capable of taking multiple incoming calls and evenly distribute the calls among all the service personnel present. Such an arrangement optimises customer experience leading to a higher close rate with satisfied customers.
- Your customers may not want to communicate with you via telephone: When an organisation are planning to upgrade their customer service infrastructure, it is usually limited to telephone systems. In this age, the importance of telephones and emails are decreasing in your average customer’s daily life. With Halooconnect, you have an option to interact with your customers via WhatsApp or any other popular chat messaging service that your customers would like to use.
- Troubled Customer may have to describe his problem all over again : Even with the best of intentions and all the data present in the dashboard, when a new agent picks up the call, most of the times the customer has to describe his/her problem all over again to the service agent for the, to be of any effective help. Even when there is a mechanism in place to connect to the initial customer service agent, there is a lot of time wasted in redirecting. Contact Center Technologies such as Sticky Agents, eliminates this problem. The customer complaint call will automatically go only to the agent who has initially opened the customer complaint ticket. The customer no longer has the need to repeat his problem again to any other new agent.
- Lack of Dashboard Data that matters: Having prior data can help you wow your customers. Effective dashboards are not prevalent in most contact centres. Customer Service Agents in such offices often have to use quick judgement to resolve customers issues. Having dashboards usually has a high close rate and satisfaction rate among customers. Aid your customer service personnel to better serve your customers with dashboards that matter. Halooconnect provides additional functionality of instant notifications in your dashboard.
- No access to data from other departments: If you haven’t integrated your contact service centre with the applications used by other departments. Then customer service data is most likely in a bubble, hindering the overall effectiveness of your organisation. For example, the customer data available with your sales team will help your customer service agents to quickly identify the caller. Similarly, your product team will greatly benefit from the data available with your customer service department to plan changes and get instant feedback on their products. With an advanced contact centre solution provided by Halooconnect, you can integrate all your CRM data, and any other application used by your company’s department.
Investing in Customer Service Technology can go a long way in helping your Business grow. A good customer service has more to it than the obvious advantages of increasing customer experience. Boost your Brand Perception and increase the productiviity of your customer service personnel with a good Contact Service Solution.
Advanced Contact Center Solution is the need for today’s Businesses. If you would like to delight your customers with great customer service or have queries regarding our contact centre solution write to us at or contact us at 9972732222. Thank you for reading!